What is the non-diet approach, and why is this important?

At From the Heart Nutrition, we follow a non-diet, inclusive approach to wellbeing. We understand that weight loss is a common reason for many people to reach out to a dietitian. However, for many people that start the journey for weight loss, it ends in yo-yo dieting, negative body image, frustration, and increased stress around food. We are not here to start people (or send them further!) down that path.

Intuitive eating is an evidenced-based practice that gets eaters reconnected with their internal cues including hunger, fullness, taste, cravings, and self-care needs. Research supports that intuitive eaters have a decrease in weight (although not the goal and this does not occur for everyone), triglycerides, and thin idealization and an increase in well-being, HDL (good) cholesterol, and self-esteem.

So how to know if you are ready for the non-diet approach?… if you reflect on your own experiences with your body and diets, do you feel tired of feeling like you’re not “trying hard enough”? Do you want to clear some of the mental space filled up with diet rules and get to know what really feels good for you? Do you want to feel more confident in how to feed yourself and care for your body in a way that is authentic to you? Are you on a healing journey from an eating disorder and need nutrition therapy care? These are all good places to start, and we are ready to meet you where you are!